30 November 2011 marked a very special and emotional day for 6th Form at SMSO. This is the last day for 6th Form at SM Sayyidina 'Othman since March 2002. During the 10 years period, the 6th Form students have become the role models for other students at the school. The 6th Form will move to a new campus, 500m away at
PTE Tutong, commencing January 2012.
Cg Hamidah Hj Daud, the Principal closed the school year with a general assembly. In her touching speech, she thanked the 6th Form tutors for their support over the years and reminded the current Form 6 students are always part of SMSO.
Cg Hadion Lim, the principal of PTE Tutong also thanked the principal and teachers of SMSO for their support and assistance to the 6th Form.
The assembly ended with the speech by representative of Student Council (MPP), Faiz Hamid who invited the Form 6 students and tutors to go on stage to bid farewell individually to Cg Hamidah.

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